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< 糖タンパク質の捕集に>
< 糖タンパク質・糖脂質の検出に>
< レクチンの特徴的な多価効果 >
- R0225
- Recombinant Polyporus squamosus lectin (= rPSL1a) expressed in Escherichia coli
- R0226
- Recombinant Laetiporus sulphureus lectin N-Terminal Domain (= rLSL-N) expressed in Escherichia coli
- R0227
- Recombinant Marasmius oreades agglutinin (= rMOA) expressed in Escherichia coli
- R0228
- Recombinant Sclerotium rolfsii lectin (= rSRL) expressed in Escherichia coli
- R0229
- Recombinant Griffithsia sp. lectin (= rGRFT) expressed in Escherichia coli
- L0169
- Lectin, Fucose specific (= AOL) from Aspergillus oryzae (5mg/mL, PBS pH6.5)
糖鎖を捕集するLecBeads (リコンビナントレクチン固定化アガロース)
< 糖タンパク質の捕集例 >
rPSL1a-LecBeads [R0235], rLSL-N-LecBeads [R0236], rMOA-LecBeads [R0237], rSRL-LecBeads [R0238], rGRFT-LecBeads [R0239]は,国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所とTCIの共同開発品です。
レクチンサンドイッチELISA・凝集活性阻害向け 非標識リコンビナントレクチン
<リコンビナントレクチンの糖結合特異性 >
Recombinant Polyporus squamosus lectin (= rPSL1a) expressed in Escherichia coli [R0225]
- Cloning, expression in Escherichia coli and characterization of the recombinant Neu5Acα2,6Galβ1,4GlcNAc-specific high-affinity lectin and its mutants from the mushroom Polyporus squamosus
- Structure and binding analysis of Polyporus squamosus lectin in complex with the Neu5Ac{α}2-6Gal{β}1-4GlcNAc human-type influenza receptor
Recombinant Laetiporus sulphureus lectin N-Terminal Domain (= rLSL-N) expressed in Escherichia coli [R0226]
- Structural analysis of the Laetiporus sulphureus hemolytic pore-forming lectin in complex with sugars
Recombinant Marasmius oreades agglutinin (= rMOA) expressed in Escherichia coli [R0227]
- Cloning, expression, and characterization of the Galα1,3Gal high affinity lectin from the mushroom Marasmius oreades
- Structural characterization of a lectin from the mushroom Marasmius oreades in complex with the blood group B trisaccharide and calcium
Recombinant Sclerotium rolfsiilectin (= rSRL) expressed in Escherichia coli [R0228]
- Carbohydrate specificity of a lectin isolated from the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii
- Structural basis for the carbohydrate recognition of the Sclerotium rolfsiilectin
Recombinant Griffithsiasp. lectin (= rGRFT) expressed in Escherichia coli [R0229]
- Isolation and characterization of griffithsin, a novel HIV-inactivating protein, from the red alga Griffithsia sp
- Crystallographic studies of the complexes of antiviral protein griffithsinwith glucose and N-acetylglucosamine
Lectin, Fucose specific (= AOL) from Aspergillus oryzae [L0169]
- Molecular cloning and overexpression of fleA gene encoding a fucose-specific lectin of Aspergillus oryzae,
- Carbohydrate binding specificity of a fucose-specific lectin from Aspergillus oryzae: a novel probe for core fucose,
rPSL1a [R0225], rLSL-N [R0226], rMOA [R0227], rSRL [R0228], rGRFT [R0229]は,国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所からのライセンスを受けて製品化しました。
AOL [L0169]は,月桂冠株式会社の技術協力のもと製品化しました。
レクチン染色・レクチンブロット向け ビオチン化リコンビナントレクチン
< 糖タンパク質の検出例 >