Maximum quantity allowed is 999
CAS RN: | 製品コード: B6110
2X SDS-PAGE Sample Buffer Phenol Red (2-Mercaptoethanol free) [for Electrophoresis]
包装単位 | 価格 | 埼玉県(川口)倉庫 | 兵庫県(尼崎)倉庫 | その他の倉庫 | 出荷情報 |
25ML |
27 | 埼玉県倉庫より即日*発送可能です | お問い合わせ |
は各々異なります。納期に関するご質問は営業部までお問い合わせください。 [本社営業部]Tel: 03-3668-0489 [大阪営業部]Tel: 06-6228-1155
Product Information
Volume: 25 mLDescription
This product contains 4% SDS, 20% glycerol, 0.02% phenol red and 0.125 M Tris HCl, pH approx. 6.8. Does not contain 2-Mercaptoethanol. SDS-PAGE Sample Buffer is specially formulated for protein sample preparation to based on the Laemmli Method of SDS-PAGE system.
Note: Please use after bringing back to normal temperature.
Description for Use
Preparation of non-reducing sample
A protein sample is mixed with the 2X SDS-PAGE sample buffer (1:1). If necessary, heating the mix solution and then cool down the tube at room temperature. The solution is ready for SDS-PAGE.
Preparation of reducing sample (reducing with 2-Mercaptoethanol)
Add 10 μL of 2-Mercaptoethanol per 90 μL of 2X SDS-PAGE sample buffer. Mix thoroughly. Then a protein sample is mixed with the sample buffer (1:1) and heating to 95–100°C for 5 min. Cool down the tube at room temperature. The solution is ready for SDS-PAGE.
*Reducing reagents: 2-Mercaptoethanol [for Electrophoresis] (Product No.: M1948), DL-Dithiothreitol [for Electrophoresis] (Product No.: D3647), etc.
Store at room temperature.
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製品コード | B6110 |
等級 | SU |
物理的状態(20℃) | 液体 |
保管温度 | 室温 (15°C以下の冷暗所を推奨) |
電気泳動試験適合 | 試験適合 |
比重 | 1.07 |
化審法 | 優先評価化学物質 |
PRTR法 | 第一種指定化学物質 |
図. 1を使用したサンプルをアプライした時の様子 (矢印)
- Cleavage of Structural Proteins during the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4
- Native SDS-PAGE: high resolution electrophoretic separation of proteins with retention of native properties including bound metal ions
お手数ですが,こちらの フォーム よりお問い合わせください。