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CAS RN: | 제품번호: T4031

Clearing Reagent iCBiofilm-H1 [for Biofilm]

순도/분석 방법:
23   3   문의
•본 제품의 재고는 일본 본사의 재고입니다. 주문시, 5일안에 실험실까지 도착됩니다.
•본건의 원가격은 한국 대리점의 예상 판매가격입니다.자세한 정보가 필요하시면 연락해 주십시오.( SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (한국총대리점) 전화 : 02-2655-2480 이메일 :  sales@sejinci.co.kr)
•보관 조건은 예고없이 변경 될 수 있습니다. 제품 보관 조건의 최신 자료는 홈페이지에 기재되어 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.


Product Information

Size : 8 mL


Biofilms are highly organized structures of microbial communities composed of a matrix of polysaccharides and other substances secreted by microbes and/or aggregates of microbial cells. Microbial cells become resistant to antimicrobial drugs and host defense systems when they form biofilms. Clearing Reagent iCBiofilm-H1 has been developed to allow for the observation of biofilm structure at thicknesses of more than several tens of micrometers. Simple addition of iCBiofilm-H1 solution to a biofilm renders it transparent within several seconds, allowing for easy observation using light microscopy techniques.

*This product was developed by Associate Prof. Sugimoto of the Jikei University School of Medicine.


Store at room temperature. Use within 6 months.

Directions for Use

  1. Prepare a biofilm in a glass bottomed culture dish (35mm diam.). Culture conditions (including medium, temperature, time, etc.) all play roles in biofilm formation; the conditions specific to your microbe of interest must be determined separately.
  2. After removing planktonic cells and culture medium, add 1% glutaraldehyde solution in PBS and fix at room temperature for 30 minutes. To preserve immunogenicity for immunofluorescence applications, we recommend substituting 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS.
  3. Remove these glutaraldehyde solution and wash three times with PBS or distilled water.
  4. Stain using appropriate fluorescence reagents.
  5. Remove staining reagents and add 500 µL - 1 mL of Clearing Reagent iCBiofilm-H1 (Product No.T4031).
  6. Observe biofilm using optical microscopy.

Related Products

T4032 Clearing Reagent iCBiofilm-H2 [for Biofilm]
G0068 Glutaraldehyde (ca. 50% in Water, ca. 5.6mol/L)

제품번호 T4031
물리적 상태 (20 ℃) Liquid
보관 조건 Room Temperature (Recommended in a cool and dark place, <15°C)
Appearance Colorless to Almost colorlessclear liquid
Functionality test to pass test
Refractive index 1.3950 to 1.4050
법규 정보
운송 정보
HS 번호* 2924.29-000
*이 HS 번호 는 TCI(일본)에서 제품을 수출할 때만 사용됩니다
Clearing of biofilm


Microscopic observation of biofilm


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