Recently, environmentally friendly oxidation catalyzed by TEMPO, a nitroxy radical, has been attracting attention. Iwabuchi
et al. have reported highly efficient oxidation of alcohols catalyzed by 2-azaadamantan-
N-oxyl (AZADO), a nitroxy radical.
1,2,3) AZADO exhibits a higher oxidation ability than TEMPO, which allows it to oxidize even hindered secondary alcohols in high yields.
2-Hydroxy-2-azaadamantane (AZADOL®"), developed by Iwabuchi
et al., is a more storage-stable catalyst than AZADO.
AZADOL®";" shows the same performance because of having a catalytic reaction mechanism via AZADO in the presence of oxidants. Other oxidation by oxoammonium salts derived from
AZADOL®";" has been also investigated.