Published TCIMAIL newest issue No.198
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TCI Philosophy
● The TCI philosophy is configured from the "Mission" of TCI.
● The "Values" are to be co-owned by each employee.
● Our "Vision" can be considered the foundation of our business operation.
Under this TCI philosophy, we will keep on contributing to the actualization of an affluent society as a "Sustainable enterprise required by all".
"Sense of value" that embodies TCI's importance of existence and the mission to be executed.
The code of behavior and the "Values" to be co-owned by each of employee of TCI for the purpose to embody the "Mission".
The motive power of the "Mission" and the view of how TCI should be in the future.
TCI Mission
"Serving Society through Chemical Reagents"
We are global technical experts serving society to
enrich people's lives by contributing to the advancement of science.
We meet the needs of research fields in a timely manner
by discovering and providing a wide variety of chemical
reagents that no one else can provide.
That is our most important mission.
TCI Values
Challenging Spirit with Speed!
● This is the essence of surviving this era of rapid changes.● Continue to challenge the status quo and experiment new things with the swiftest action as possible.
● And foremost, you must have passion and guts to your job!
Never Say Never
● Nothing is impossible in executing your job.● Any difficult challenges can be overcome.
● Think of conditions that enable you to overcome the difficulty!
Be Assertive and Modest. Collaborate to Improve Each Other
● Always improve yourself and be 100% ready by being modest and assertive, asking people around you to point out if there is any room for improvement.Do Your Best as a Member of the TCI Family
● All TCI members have high expectations on your job that you are tackling.● Do your best with any responsibilities you are given.
Be Proud of Your Job
● Always have high sense of ethics and moral to do business.● Be proud of your job.
TCI Vision
The five focus areas TCI has as a reagent manufacturer include "Variety", "Quality", "Delivery", "Reagent Service" and "Bulk Service". Maximizing our efforts in these five areas will not only bring great benefits to our customers, but also become our competitive advantages. We also would like to add a sixth unit, called the "management unit" to support the other five units from an administrative stand point. If all six units successfully achieve their objectives, TCI will turn into the most trusted and respected company in the global research market. That is what we want to be. It is our vision.