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CAS RN: | Product Number: N1208
Nuclear / Cytoplasmic Fractionation Kit
Size | Unit Price | Shanghai | Tianjin | Japan* |
1KIT |
1 | Contact Us | 8 |
* For order or inquiry, please contact
Our Authorized Distributors.
*TCI frequently reviews storage conditions to optimize them. Please note that the latest information on the storage temperature for the products is described on our website.
* To send your quote request for bulk quantities, please click on the "Request Bulk Quote" button. Please note that we cannot offer bulk quantities for some products.
Supplemental Product Information:
Product Information
- Components :1×Cytoplasmic Extraction Buffer, 20×Detergent solution, 1×Nuclear Extraction Buffer
- Size : 50 tests
- This product is supplied for fractionating nuclear proteins and cytoplasmic proteins easily from cultured mammalian cells. Extracted protein can be used in downstream applications such as Western blotting.
Directions for Use
- [For Cytoplasmic Extraction]
- 1. Collect cells and wash twice with cold PBS. Use a cell scraper for adherent cells.
- 2. Resuspend the cells gently in cold 1×Cytoplasmic Extraction Buffer. Add 400 μL of the buffer to 100 μL of the cell volume (~ 1 × 107 cells).
- 3. Incubate on ice for 10 minutes.
- 4. Add 20×Detergent solution to the cell suspension and vortex vigorously for 10 seconds. Use 25 μL of the solution per 500 μL of the mixture.
- 5. Centrifuge at 800 × g for 10 minutes at 4 °C.
- 6. Transfer the supernatant (cytoplasmic fraction) to a new tube.
- 7. Resuspend the pellet in cold 1×Nuclear Extraction Buffer. Add 100 μL of the buffer to 100 μL of the pellet volume.
- 8. Incubate on ice for 20 minutes, vortexing every 5 minutes.
- 9. Centrifuge at 15,000 × g for 10 minutes at 4 °C.
- 10. Transfer the supernatant (nuclear fraction) to a new tube.
- Store at 4 °C.
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Product Number | N1208 |
Physical State (20 deg.C) | Liquid |
Storage Temperature | Refrigerated (0-10°C) |
Condition to Avoid | Heat Sensitive |
Customs Control Conditions (Q) |
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
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C of A & Other Certificates
Sample C of A
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Analytical Charts
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