Maximum quantity allowed is 999
CAS RN: | Product Number: A2507
Anti-GD1a Monoclonal Antibody
Size | Unit Price | Same Day | 2-3 Business Days |
9 | 4 |
* The above prices include freight cost, customs, and other charges to the destination except for products that need to be shipped by sea or dry ice. For details, please contact
our distributor
in Taiwan to order our product.
* The storage conditions are subject to change without notice.
Supplemental Product Information:
Product Information
Volume/Quantity:0.1 mg
Product Form:Purified mouse monoclonal antibody/IgM, κ-chain
Buffer:Phosphate buffer-saline(-) (PBS(-))
Preparation:The antibody is purified from mouse ascites fluid.
Preservative:0.05% Sodium azide
Immunogen:Purified ganglioside GD1a
Specificity:Ganglioside GD1a
Clone Name:GMR17
Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, TLC-immunostaining
Flow cytometric analysis, Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Store at -20 ºC to -80 ºC (Preferably at -80 ºC). It is not recommended storing at 4 ºC. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
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Product Number | A2507 |
Physical State (20 deg.C) | Liquid |
Storage Temperature | Frozen (-80°C) |
Condition to Avoid | Heat Sensitive |
Appearance | Colorless to Almost colorless clear liquid |
Titer(ELISA) | to pass test |
Concentration | 0.3 to 15.0 mg/mL |
H.S.code* | 3504.00-000 |
- 1)Generation of one set of monoclonal antibodies specific for a-pathway ganglio-series gangliosides
- 2)Characterization of ganglioside expression in human melanoma cells: Immunological and biochemical analysis
- 3)Developmental changes of ganglioside expressions in postnatal rat cerebellar cortex
- 4)Immunocytochemical analysis of gangliosides in rat primary cerebellar cultures using specific monoclonal antibodies
- 5)Expression and localization of Lewis(x) glycolipids and GD1a ganglioside in human glioma cells
- 6)Cell type-specific expression of ganglioside antigens in the central nervous system
- 7)Differential distribution of glycosphingolipid antigens in the central nervous system
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
The requested SDS is not available.
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C of A & Other Certificates
Sample C of A
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Analytical Charts
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