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Glucose Measurement Kit

Living organisms utilize glucose as their primary source of energy, making it an important metabolic indicator, especially in the study of sugars and lipids. Additionally, cancer cells are known to consume an elevated amount of glucose compared to normal cells, making it equally important in the study of cancer metabolism. Our Glucose Measurement Kit can accurately measure the concentration of glucose in samples such as serum samples and cell culture supernatants.

Example of use of Glucose Measurement Kit (Product No. G0656)

Example of use of Glucose Measurement Kit (Product No. G0656)

Kit Components

  • Glucose Measurement Solution 2 vials
  • Glucose Standard Solution (500 mg/dL) 2 vials

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  • Enough for 200 tests (100 tests x2)

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  • Allows for the measurement of glucose concentrations down to as low as 50 mg/dL and as high as 500 mg/dL.
  • Contains two batches of reagents for the analysis of 2 separate batches.
  • Allows for the measurement of glucose in blood and cell culture supernatants.
  • Quantify glucose concentration through a simple absorbance measurement at 542 nm.
  • Ascorbate oxidase is included in the glucose measurement solution, reducing the effect of ascorbic acid in the sample.

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Application: Determination of Glucose Concentration in Bovine Serum Using G0656

  1. Dilute Glucose Standard Solution (500 mg/dL) with deionized water to prepare a 2-fold dilution series of glucose (100 μL each).
  2. Transfer 2 μL of each glucose dilution series solution into a 96-well plate. Additionally transfer 2 μL of bovine serum sample as a sample into same 96-well plate.
  3. Add 200 μL of Glucose Measurement Solution to each well and incubated plate at room temperature for 20 minutes.
  4. After 20 minutes, measure the absorbance at 540 (10) nm.
  5. Create a calibration curve from the glucose dilution series data and use it to calculate the concentration of glucose in the bovine serum.

Glucose Standard Curve Concentrations and Associated Absorbance Measurements

Figure. Glucose Standard Curve Concentrations and Associated Absorbance Measurements

The absorbance of bovine serum at 540 nm was determined to be 0.1717. After comparison with the standard curve, the corresponding glucose concentration was found to be 60.65 mg/dL = 606.5 mg/L.

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