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Fluorescent Dye Used as a Lysosomal Targeting Probe

Green DND-26 is a fluorescent dye that stains acidic organelles in living cells.1) Green DND-26 consists of a weak base moiety and a fluorophore,2) which emits strong fluorescence (Exmax: 504 nm, Emmax: 511 nm) by a selective accumulation in acidic cell organelles in living cells due to its weak base moiety.1) Lysosomes are one of the intracellular organelles responsible for the degradation of intracellular and extracellular components and contain various acidic degradation enzymes. Therefore, Green DND-26 is currently in use as a lysosomal targeting probe.3)

Figure. Fluorescence staining of Green DND-26 (green) and Bisbenzimide H 33342 which is a stain for cell nuclei (blue) in living HeLa cells.
Administration of chloroquine (a fusion inhibitor of lysosomes and autophagosomes) inhibits autophagic flux, resulting in the accumulation of lysosomes in the cell.
left: untreated cell; right: Chloroquine-treated cell (50 μM, 4 hours). Both photos were taken at TCI.

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