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CAS RN: 110134-47-9 | Product Number: P2513

Poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (regioregular) [for organic electronics]

  • P3HT (regioregular)
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0   0   It can be shipped in about 5-6 months after ordering
0   0   It can be shipped in about 5-6 months after ordering

* Please contact our distributors or TCI to order our products. The above prices do not include freight cost, customs, and other charges to the destination.
* The storage conditions are subject to change without notice.

Product Number P2513
Physical State (20 deg.C) Solid
Storage Temperature Room Temperature (Recommended in a cool and dark place, <15°C)
Condition to Avoid Light Sensitive
CAS RN 110134-47-9
Related CAS RN 156074-98-5&104934-50-1&125321-66-6
Reaxys Registry Number 8828732
Hole Mobility(mu FET) min 0.10cm2/Vs (OTS Si/SiO2 substrate)
Palladium max. 100 ppm
Molecular weight of number average 27000 to 45000
Stereoregularity min. 99.0 %
Properties (reference)
HOMO Level -4.8 eV
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Transport Information:
H.S.code* 3911.90-900
*This code is applied to the products when TCI exports from Japan and not for import in your country.
High-Regioregular P3HT-Based Transistor Realizing Hole Mobility of Over 20 cm2/Vs


Highly Regioselective Organic Semiconducting Polymer: P3HT

P3HT was synthesized by a direct arylation polymerization (DArP)1,2) and features a highly regioselective structure with a consistent average molecular weight and polydispersity index. In addition, P3HT is useful for solution process-able organic solar cells,3,4) perovskite solar cells,5) and organic transistor research,6) due in part to its high solubility.

Figure 1. Organic Photovoltaics (OPV)


Figure 2. Perovskite Solar Cell (PSC)


Figure 3. Organic Transistor (OFET)


This material was produced by collaboration with Prof. Fumiyuki Ozawa
at Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University.



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