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CAS RN: | Numéro de produit: T3530

Tissue-Clearing Reagent TOMEI [for Plants]

  • 2,2'-Thiodiethanol (contains Propyl Gallate, PBS and DMSO) [Tissue-Clearing Reagent for Plants]
Documents de produit:
77,00 €
7   10  

*Le délai de livraison pour des produits disponibles en stock en Belgique est 1 à 2 jours
*Le délai de livraison pour des produits disponibles en stock en Japon est 1 à 2 semaines (sauf des produits réglementés et des envois avec de la glace carbonique)

Informations supplémentaires sur le produit:

This product cannot be shipped to Israel, Russia and Turkey.

The transparency technique "TOMEI" for plant analysis was developed by Prof. Matsunaga et al. at Tokyo University of Science. This method enables the clearing of Oryza sativa, Arabidopsis thaliana and many others in just a few hours. Using this technique, deeper internal structure can be clearly observed. TCI offers TOMEI reagent (Product Number: T3530) for this transparency techique.

Please see a brochure (PDF) of how to use.

This product cannot be shipped to Russia, Turkey and Israel.

Numéro de produit T3530
Etat physique (20 ° C) Liquid
Condition de stockage Room Temperature (Recommended in a cool and dark place, <15°C)
Condition à éviter Light Sensitive
Appearance Colorless to Light yellow clear liquid
Functionality test(transparency) to pass test
Pictogramme Pictogram
Mot de signal Attention
Mentions de danger H315 : Provoque une irritation cutanée.
H319 : Provoque une sévère irritation des yeux.
Conseils de prudence P264 : Se laver la peau soigneusement après manipulation.
P280 : Porter des gants de protection/ un équipement de protection des yeux/ du visage.
P302 + P352 : EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LA PEAU: Laver abondamment à l’eau.
P337 + P313 : Si l'irritation oculaire persiste: consulter un médecin.
P362 + P364 : Enlever les vêtements contaminés et les laver avant réutilisation.
P332 + P313 : En cas d'irritation cutanée: consulter un médecin.
Lois connexes:
Informations de transport:
N ° SH (import / export) (TCI-E) 2930909599
Clearing of fungi-infected plants


TOMEI-I, Technique for analysis with only fluorescent dye

The transparency technique “TOMEI-I” is adequate for observation with only fluorescent dyes such as DAPI staining, Calcofluor White staining, etc.

・Fixative solution (Acetic acid : Ethanol = 1 : 3) *Preparation at time of use is recommended.
・70% Ethanol (diluted with PBS)
・30% Ethanol (diluted with PBS)
・Staining solution
・Transparency reagent TOMEI (TCI product code T3530)
*For root specimens, 20% TOMEI diluted with PBS is necessary.

The transparency method of the final process differs depending on the above ground part and the underground part (root).

< Fixing >
1) Fix the sample with adequate amount of fixative solution at room temperature.
(Fixation time is determined by the sample size and plant type.)
(In case of a seedling of Arabidopsis thaliana, it usually takes for about 1 to 2 hours.)
2) Remove fixation solution and add 70% ethanol, then let it rest for 5min at room temperature.
3) Remove 70% ethanol and add 30% ethanol, then let it rest for 5min at room temperature.
4) Remove 30% ethanol PBS and add PBS, then let it rest for 5min at room temperature.

< Staining >
5) Remove PBS and add the staining solution, then let it rest with shading at room temperature. *1
(In case of double staining, re-stain after washing.)

< Washing >
6) Remove the staining solution and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.
7) Remove PBS and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.
8) Remove PBS and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.

< Clearing >
* For above ground part
9) Remove PBS and add TOMEI, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 20min.
(The time to treat should be considered depending on sample.)
10) Mount the sample on a microscope slide with TOMEI and observe it.
*For underground part (root)
9) Remove PBS and add 20% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
10) Mount the sample on a microscope slide with 20% TOMEI in PBS and observe it.

*1 : The treatment time of DAPI staining is for 30min with 5 μg/mL and the treatment time of Calcofluor White staining is for 10min with 1 g/L of Calcofluor White M3R and 0.5 g/L of Evans Blue, but their adjustments are needed for the purpose.


TOMEI-II, Technique for detection of fluorescent protein

The transparency technique “TOMEI-II” is adequate for observation fluorescent protein such as GFP or YFP co-expressed as a reporter gene.

・Fixative solution (4% paraformaldehyde in PBS)
 *Preparation at time of use is recommended.
・Staining solution
・Transparency reagent TOMEI (TCI product code T3530)
・10%, 30%, 50% , 70% TOMEI (diluted with PBS)
 *For the root specimens, 20% TOMEI diluted with PBS is necessary.

The transparency method of the final process differs depending on the above ground part and the underground part (root).

< Fixing >
1) Fix the sample with adequate amount of fixative solution at room temperature.
 (Fixation time is determined by the sample size and plant type.)
 (Deaerate in fixative solution using vacuum pump or syringe when the sample is above ground part.)
2) Remove fixation solution and add PBS, then let it rest for 5min at room temperature.
3) Remove PBS and add PBS again, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.
4) Remove PBS and add PBS again, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.

< Staining >
5) Remove PBS and add the staining solution, then let it rest with shading at room temperature.*1
 (In case of double staining, re-stain after washing.)

< Washing >
6) Remove the staining solution and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.
7) Remove PBS and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature.
8) Remove PBS and add PBS, then let it rest for 10min at room temperature

< Clearing >
*For above ground part
9) Remove PBS and add 10% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
10) Remove 10% PBS and add 30% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
11) Remove 30% TOMEI in PBS and add 50% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
12) Remove 50% TOMEI in PBS and add 70% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
13) Remove 70% TOMEI in PBS and add 100% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
14) Remove 100% TOMEI in PBS and add 100% TOMEI, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 1hour.
 (The time to treat should be considered depending on sample.)
15) Mount the sample on a microscope slide with TOMEI and observe it. *2
*For underground part (root)
9) Remove PBS and add 20% TOMEI in PBS, then let it rest with shading at room temperature for 10min.
10) Mount the sample on a microscope slide with 20% TOMEI in PBS and observe it.

*1 : The treatment time of DAPI staining is for 30min with 5 µg/mL and the treatment time of Calcofluor White staining is for 10min with 1 g/L of Calcofluor White M3R and 0.5 g/L of Evans Blue, but their adjustments are needed for the purpose. *2 : When the fluorescence of fluorescent protein reduces, after the treatment of 50% TOMEI in PBS, it may be possible to be solved by being mounted with 60% TOMEI in PBS after the treatment of 60% TOMEI in PBS for 1hour.


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