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CAS RN: | 제품번호: C3717

CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Casein separately)

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•본 제품의 재고는 일본 본사의 재고입니다. 주문시, 5일안에 실험실까지 도착됩니다.
•본건의 원가격은 한국 대리점의 예상 판매가격입니다.자세한 정보가 필요하시면 연락해 주십시오.( SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (한국총대리점) 전화 : 02-2655-2480 이메일 :  sales@sejinci.co.kr)
•보관 조건은 예고없이 변경 될 수 있습니다. 제품 보관 조건의 최신 자료는 홈페이지에 기재되어 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.


This kit contains buffers and anti-NeuN antibody (positive control) for 3D nuclear staining of CUBIC-cleared tissues.

The difference between CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Product No. C3708) and CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Casein separately) (Product No. C3717):
CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Product No. C3708) includes a buffer with casein, which can be used as soon as it is arrived. The buffer with casein should be used as soon as possible.
CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Casein separately) (Product No. C3717) includes a buffer without casein and casein is in the kit separately. The casein should be mixed to the buffer just before use and after mixing, the buffer should be used as soon as possible. It takes about 2 hours to solve the casein.

Please see the detail protocols in CUBICStars’ web site.

Constituents in kit (suitable for a brain of an adult mouse)

  • CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining buffer (without Casein) (2x) (for 10 tests)
  • CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining wash buffer (1x) (for 10 tests)
  • CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining additive (10x) (for 10 tests)
  • Anti-NeuN Mouse IgG1 antibody (1mg/mL) (for 2 tests)
  • 10x 15 mL tube

Process outline


Perfusion fixation and dissection of the mouse brain
Post-fix <24 h
Wash (PBS) 2 h x3
Delipidation (CUBIC-L; Product No. T3740) 3-7 days
Wash (PBS) 2 h x3

====Nuclear staining by CUBIC-HV™1 3D nuclear staining kit (Product No. C3709) ====

Nuclear staining (DAPI or Propidium Iodide or others in CUBIC-HV™1 3D nuclear staining buffer) 3-5 days
Wash (3D nuclear staining wash buffer; 10mM HEPES buffer, pH 7.5) 2 h x3

==== Optional process; Enzyme reaction ====

====Immunostaining by CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit (Casein separately) (Product No. C3717) ====

Add the entire amount of casein powder in the kit (1 vial) to the 3D immunostaining buffer (without Casein). It takes about 2 hours at room temperature.
From this time on, 3D immunostaining buffer including Casein should be used.

Primary antibody (anti NeuN antibody in C3717 kit can be used): 5 µg/whole brain
Secondary antibody: anti-Fc Fab (out of the kits), 3.75 µg/whole brain
Primary antibody + secondary antibody reaction / Replacement with CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining buffer, 1.5 h
Immunostaining (CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining buffer with CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining additive (if required)), >1 week
Reaction in the same buffer at 4°C, 1 day
Wash (CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining wash buffer), 2 h x3

====Fix and RI matching====

Post-fix (in 1% Formaldehyde Solution), 1 day
Wash (PBS), 2 h
RI matching (CUBIC-R+(M); Product No. T3740), <3 days
Microscopic observation

Related Products

T3740 Tissue-Clearing Reagent CUBIC-L [for delipidation and decoloring]
T3983 Tissue-Clearing Reagent CUBIC-R+(N) [for RI matching]
T3741 Tissue-Clearing Reagent CUBIC-R+(M) [for RI matching]
C3709 CUBIC-HV™1 3D nuclear staining kit
C3708 CUBIC-HV™1 3D immunostaining kit
F0622 37% Formaldehyde Solution

제품번호 C3717
보관 조건 Refrigerated (0-10°C)
피해야 할 조건 Heat Sensitive
픽토그램 Pictogram
신호 워드 Warning
위험물 및 유해 등록 H319 : Causes serious eye irritation.
주의 사항 P264 : Wash skin thoroughly after handling.
P280 : Wear eye protection/ face protection.
P337 + P313 : If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/ attention.
P305 + P351 + P338 : IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
법규 정보
운송 정보
HS 번호* 3822.19-000
*이 HS 번호 는 TCI(일본)에서 제품을 수출할 때만 사용됩니다
제품문서 (분석 차트를 제공하지 못할 수도 있으니 양해 바랍니다.)
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검색된 로트 번호의 제품은 판매를 종료하고 관련 서류를 제공하지 않습니다.

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