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CAS RN: | 제품번호: A3360
Anti-NeuGc Polyclonal Antibody R-PE Conjugate
•본건의 원가격은 한국 대리점의 예상 판매가격입니다.자세한 정보가 필요하시면 연락해 주십시오.( SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (한국총대리점) 전화 : 02-2655-2480 이메일 :
•보관 조건은 예고없이 변경 될 수 있습니다. 제품 보관 조건의 최신 자료는 홈페이지에 기재되어 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
Product Information
Volume : 0.05 mg
Product Form : Purified chicken polyclonal antibody/IgY
Buffer : Phosphate buffered-saline (PBS)
Preparation : The antibody is purified from chicken egg yolks.
Conjugation : Affinity purified antibody was conjugated to R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE) (Excitation: 496 nm, Emission: 575 nm)
Preservative : 0.05% Sodium azide
Stabilizer : None
Specificity : NeuGc
Chicken anti-NeuGc polyclonal antibody was developed in a chicken host by using NeuGc containing ganglioside. Highly purified chicken anti-NeuGc antibody was obtained by affinity chromatography and then conjugated to R-PE. This chicken anti-NeuGc antibody can be utilized for NeuGc detection by Flow cytometry.
Immunofluorescence, Flow cytometry
Store at 4 °C. Do Not Freeze. This product is photosensitive and should be protected from light.
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제품번호 | A3360 |
물리적 상태 (20 ℃) | Liquid |
보관 조건 | Refrigerated (0-10°C) |
피해야 할 조건 | Heat Sensitive |
Appearance | Light red to Red clear liquid to cloudy liquid |
Titer(FCM) | to pass test |
Concentration | 0.30 to 15.00 mg/mL |
HS 번호* | 3002.19-000 |
- Eggs: conveniently packaged antibodies. Methods for purification of yolk IgG
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