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CAS RN: | 제품번호: A2587
Anti-Lewis Y Monoclonal Antibody (Culture Supernatant)
•본건의 원가격은 한국 대리점의 예상 판매가격입니다.자세한 정보가 필요하시면 연락해 주십시오.( SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (한국총대리점) 전화 : 02-2655-2480 이메일 :
•보관 조건은 예고없이 변경 될 수 있습니다. 제품 보관 조건의 최신 자료는 홈페이지에 기재되어 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
Product Information
Volume/Quantity: 0.2 mL
Product Form: Hybridoma culture supernatant (containing 10% fetal bovine serum)
Isotype: Mouse monoclonal antibody/IgG3, κ-chain
Preservative: 0.05% sodium azide
Stabilizer: None
Immunogen: Immunized with human gastric cancer cells (MKN74), and screened using cancer glycolipids
Specificity: Lewis Y antigen
Clone Name: H18A
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay, Flow cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, Western blot, TLC-immunostaining
Store in freezer (-20ºC to -80ºC). It is not recommended storing at 4ºC. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
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제품번호 | A2587 |
물리적 상태 (20 ℃) | Liquid |
보관 조건 | Frozen (-80°C) |
피해야 할 조건 | Heat Sensitive |
Appearance | Orange to Red clear liquid |
Titer(ELISA) | to pass test |
HS 번호* | 3504.00-000 |
- High idiotypic connectivity of the VH7183-encoded antibodies directed to a murine embryonic carbohydrate antigen, Lewis Y, as ascertained by syngenic anti-idiotype monoclonal antibodies.
- K. Hirashima, K. Zenita, A. Takada, A. Kitahara, G. Ishihara, R. Harada, K. Ohmori, S. Hirohashi,
S. Kyoizumi, M. Akiyama, J. Immunol. 1990, 145, 224.
- K. Hirashima, K. Zenita, A. Takada, A. Kitahara, G. Ishihara, R. Harada, K. Ohmori, S. Hirohashi,
- Preparation of mouse-human chimeric antibody to an embryonic carbohydrate antigen, Lewis Y.
- T. Kaneko, Y. Iba, K. Zenita, K. Shigeta, K. Nakano, W. Itoh, Y. Kurosawa, R. Kannagi, K. Yasukawa,
J. Biochem. 1993, 113, 114.
- T. Kaneko, Y. Iba, K. Zenita, K. Shigeta, K. Nakano, W. Itoh, Y. Kurosawa, R. Kannagi, K. Yasukawa,
- Targeted gene transfer for adenocarcinoma using a combination of tumor-specific antibody and tissue-specific promoter.
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- Lewis y antigen is expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and tissues, but disappears in the invasive regions leading to the enhanced malignant properties irrespective of sialyl-Lewis x.
- Reactivities of Lewis antigen monoclonal antibodies with the lipopolysaccharides of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from patients with gastroduodenal diseases in Japan.
- K. Amano, S. Hayashi, T. Kubota, N. Fujii, S. Yokota, Clin. Diagn. Lab. Immunol. 1997, 4, 540.
- Developmental changes in the biochemical and immunological characters of the carbohydrate moiety of neuroglycan C, a brain-specific chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan.
- Detection of ligands for selectins in the oligosaccharide fraction of human milk.
- Expression of glycolipids bearing Lewis phenotypes in tissues and cultured cells of human gynecological cancers.
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