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Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors [Antitumor Agents]
Tyrosine kinase is an enzyme that phosphorylates the hydroxyl group of the side chain of tyrosine residues in proteins. When a protein kinase phosphorylates substrate proteins by transferring phosphate from ATP to a substrate protein, the three-dimensional structure of the substrate protein changes and its activity is altered. This change also modulates the cell function.
Serine/threonine kinases have been known as typical intracellular protein kinases. However, since the oncogene product of retrovirus was found to work as a tyrosine kinase, various new tyrosine kinases have been reported. The tyrosine kinases are cell growth factor receptors and oncogene products, so they are the research targets for cell signaling, cell proliferation and carcinogenesis.
TCI offers small molecule inhibitors for tyrosine kinases involved in cancer research.
- Tyrosine Kinase Iinhibitor: Biochanin A
- FGFR/VEGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: PD173074
- JAK Inhibitor: Tyrphostin AG490
- RET Kinase Inhibitor: RPI 1
- Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: Methyl 2,5-Dihydroxycinnamate
- Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: Tyrphostin AG1478
- Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor: Tyrphostin AG 494
Related Category Pages
- Cancer Research
- Antitumor Ingredients (for Research and Experimental Use)
- Kinase/Phosphatase Biology
- 1) From oncogene to drug: development of small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors as anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic agents
- 2) Transforming gene product of Rous sarcoma virus phosphorylates tyrosine
- 3) Signal transduction by receptors with tyrosine kinase activity
카테고리 정보
- 홈
- Products
- Life Science
- Cell Biology
- Cancer Research
- Antitumor Agents for Research
- Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors [Antitumor Agents]