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CAS RN: | Product Number: S0972

Streptavidin HRP Conjugate

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* Please contact our distributor of SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. if you would like to purchase TCI products. The above prices do not include freight cost, customs charge and other charges to the destination. SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (Phone: 02-2655-2480 / email:  sales@sejinci.co.kr)
* The storage conditions are subject to change without notice.

Supplemental Product Information:

Product Information
Volume/Quantity:0.1 mg
Product Form:Purified streptavidin, Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) conjugated.
Conjugation:Purified streptavidin was conjugated to HRP (TCI : code P0073).
Buffer:Phosphate buffered-saline(-) (PBS(-))
Preservative:0.05% Sodium azide

This product reacts with biotin on ELISA (1:5000) and Western blotting (1:2000).
Store at -20 ºC to -80 ºC (preferably at -80 ºC). It is not recommended storing at 4 ºC. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

Related Products
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G0432 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM Biotin Conjugate
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A2659 AOL-Biotin Conjugate
A2524 N-(3-Azidopropyl)biotinamide
B2431 Biotin Hydrazide
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S0491 N-Succinimidyl D-Biotinate
P0073 Peroxidase from Horseradish
S0883 Sulfo-SMCC Sodium Salt
S0951 Streptavidin
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Product Number S0972
Physical State (20 deg.C) Liquid
Storage Temperature Frozen (-80°C)
Condition to Avoid Heat Sensitive
PubChem Substance ID 354333074
MDL Number


Appearance Colorless to Brown clear liquid
Specific Activity to pass test
Properties (reference)
Related Laws:
Transport Information:
H.S.code* 3504.00-000
*This code is applied to the products when TCI exports from Japan and not for import in your country.
Product Documents (Note: Some products will not have analytical charts available.)
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A sample C of A for this product is not available at this time.

Analytical Charts
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