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CAS RN: | Product Number: O0561

Organosilica FITC (100nm Diam.)

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* Please contact our distributor of SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. if you would like to purchase TCI products. The above prices do not include freight cost, customs charge and other charges to the destination. SEJIN CI Co., Ltd. (Phone: 02-2655-2480 / email:  sales@sejinci.co.kr)
* The storage conditions are subject to change without notice.

Supplemental Product Information:

Product Information

  • Volume/Quantity : 2 mg
  • Product Form : Suspension in water
  • Functional Group : Thiol group (-SH)
  • Excitation / Emission : 492 nm / 523 nm


  • For use as a fluorophore in the fluorescent labeling of proteins and other molecules. Incorporation of FITC fluorescent dye into conjugatable silica nanoparticles allows for superior fluorescence intensity and light resistance when compared to unmodified FITC. Thiol groups (-SH) at the surface of the nanoparticles provide a convenient mechanism for conjugation. This product is made without toxic metals.


  • Store at 4 °C. Do not freeze.

Direction for Use

  • Example of conjugation;
    Organosilica conjugation with Mouse IgG antibody (M.W. 150,000)
    1. Prepare 10 mM linker solution (For examples of linkers, see Related Products).
      e.g. Dissolve 2.8 mg of GMBS (Product No. S0399) in 1 mL of DMSO (Product No. D0798).
    2. Mix 10 mM linker solution with appropriate volume of antibody. (Suggested linker:antibody molar ratio = 100:1)
      e.g. Mix 100 µL of 1.5 mg/mL (= 10 µM) antibody solution with 10 µL of 10 mM linker solution.
    3. Incubate linker-antibody solution for 1 hour at room temperature.
    4. Remove unreacted and/or hydrolyzed reagent using a desalting column or dialysis method (not included).
    5. Mix 1 part by weight purified antibody-linker solution with 1.5 parts by weight Organosilica FITC (Product No.O0561).
      e.g. For the antibody-linker solution described in step 2 (antibody weight approx. 0.15 mg), use 45 µL of 5.0 mg/mL Organosilica FITC.
    6. Incubate the antibody-nanoparticle solution for 1 hour at room temperature.
    7. Collect conjugated nanoparticles via centrifugation (20,000 x g, 4 °C, 10 minutes) and wash with 500 µL deionized water. Repeat wash step two additional times. Resuspend final washed pellet in deionized water.

Related Products

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  • S0861 N-Succinimidyl 4-(4-Maleimidophenyl)butyrate
  • S0882 N-Succinimidyl 11-Maleimidoundecanoate
  • [Related Special Fluorescent Products]
  • O0573 Organosilica Rhodamine B 100nm
  • B5419 BMeS-p-A (extremely small fluorescent dye)

Product Number O0561
Physical State (20 deg.C) Liquid
Storage Temperature Refrigerated (0-10°C)
Condition to Avoid Light Sensitive,Heat Sensitive
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