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CAS RN: | Product Number: A3144
Anti-α Gal Polyclonal Antibody Biotin Conjugate
Size | Unit Price | Saitama (Kawaguchi) | Hyogo (Amagasaki) | Stock in other WH | Shipping Information |
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Supplemental Product Information:
Product Information
Volume/Quantity : 0.05 mg
Product Form : Purified chicken polyclonal antibody/IgY
Buffer : Phosphate buffered-saline (PBS)
Preparation : The antibody is purified from chicken serum or egg yolks.
Conjugation : Affinity purified antibody was labeled with a biotin
Preservative : 0.05% Sodium azide
Stabilizer : None
Specificity : Galα1-3Gal
Chicken anti-αGal polyclonal antibody was developed in a chicken host by using Galα1-3Gal-conjugated carrier protein. Highly purified chicken anti-αGal antibody was obtained by immunoaffinity chromatography and then conjugated to biotin. This chicken anti-αGal antibody can be utilized for Galα1-3Gal detection by ELISA and immunoblotting.
ELISA, Sandwich ELISA, Western Blotting.
Store at -20 °C to -80 °C (Preferably at -80 °C). It is not recommended storing at 4 °C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
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Product Number | A3144 |
Physical State (20 deg.C) | Liquid |
Storage Temperature | Frozen (-80°C) |
Condition to Avoid | Heat Sensitive |
Appearance | Colorless to Almost colorless clear liquid |
Titer(ELISA) | to pass test |
- Eggs: conveniently packaged antibodies. Methods for purification of yolk IgG
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
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C of A & Other Certificates
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