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Product Number | B0020 |
CAS RN | 71-43-2 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.5%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | C0696 |
CAS RN | 110-82-7 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.5%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2233
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | Q0038 |
CAS RN | 71-43-2 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.5%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | T0260 |
CAS RN | 108-88-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.5%(GC) |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2, 3-60
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number | C0469 |
CAS RN | 110-82-7 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.5%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2233
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | H0027 |
CAS RN | 142-82-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number | H0491 |
CAS RN | 142-82-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number | M0244 |
CAS RN | 108-87-2 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2230
Product Number | M0627 |
CAS RN | 108-87-2 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2230
Product Number | Q0037 |
CAS RN | 142-82-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number | D0011 |
CAS RN | 124-18-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-10
Product Number | D0968 |
CAS RN | 112-40-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >99.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-10
Product Number: B0020 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.5%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: C0696 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.5%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2233
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: Q0038 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.5%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: T0260 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.5%(GC)| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2, 3-60
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number: C0469 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.5%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2233
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: H0027 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number: H0491 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number: M0244 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2230
Product Number: M0627 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-2230
Product Number: Q0037 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-7
Product Number: D0011 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-10
Product Number: D0968 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>99.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-10
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