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Product Number | B0936 |
CAS RN | 629-72-1 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-67
Product Number | P0035 |
CAS RN | 1002-84-2 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC)(T) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-608
Product Number | P0836 |
CAS RN | 25276-70-4 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-464
Product Number | A0763 |
CAS RN | 2570-26-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >95.0%(GC)(T) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-133
Product Number | P0036 |
CAS RN | 629-76-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >95.0%(GC) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-217
Product Number | P1251 |
CAS RN | 78887-70-4 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-3468
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: B0936 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>98.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-67
Product Number: P0035 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>98.0%(GC)(T)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-608
Product Number: P0836 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>98.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-464
Product Number: A0763 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>95.0%(GC)(T)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-133
Product Number: P0036 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>95.0%(GC)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-217
Product Number: P1251 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-3468
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
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