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Product Number | H0693 |
CAS RN | 109640-39-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(T) |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-581
Product Number | S0155 |
CAS RN | 13813-19-9 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >95.0%(T) |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 1-430
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number | H0341 |
CAS RN | 13536-59-9 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >45.0%(T) |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 1-105
Product Number | A0637 |
CAS RN | 1186-52-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-688
Product Number | A0638 |
CAS RN | 666-52-4 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-542
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number | A2050 |
CAS RN | 666-52-4 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-542
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number | A2074 |
CAS RN | 2206-26-0 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-1508
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | B0840 |
CAS RN | 1076-43-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | B3008 |
CAS RN | 1076-43-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number | C0583 |
CAS RN | 865-49-6 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
Product Number | C1423 |
CAS RN | 865-49-6 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
Product Number | C2232 |
CAS RN | 865-49-6 |
Purity / Analysis Method: |
Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
Product Number: H0693 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>98.0%(T)| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-581
Product Number: S0155 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>95.0%(T)| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 1-430
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number: H0341 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
>45.0%(T)| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 1-105
Product Number: A0637 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-688
Product Number: A0638 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-542
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number: A2050 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-542
| Narcotic or Psychotropic Raw Material
Product Number: A2074 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-1508
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: B0840 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: B3008 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 3-1
| Priority Assessment Chemical Substance
Product Number: C0583 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
Product Number: C1423 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
Product Number: C2232 |
Purity / Analysis Method:
| Deleterious substance
| Chemical Substance Law (ENCS): 2-37
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