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Anti-αGal Polyclonal Antibody that can Detect the αGal Epitope(Galα1-3Gal)

Anti-αGal antibody exists as a natural antibody in humans. Binding of this antibody αGal antigens (αGal epitope) expressed on porcine xenograft surfaces are a major factor for determining engraft survival. Recently, it has been observed that therapeutic antibodies and cell processing material for reproductive medicine contain the αepitope, which indicates the importance of rapid detection of αGal epitope.
The anti-αGal polyclonal antibody (1) has high specificity similar to the anti-αGal monoclonal antibody, and it specifically recognizes the α-3Gal structure (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Specific binding to αGal antigens by anti-αGal monoclonal antibody
Glycoconjugates coated on ELISA plates. Results following epitope and anti-αGal antibodies incubation.
1st Ab were detected using appropriate secondary antibodies.

This product is for research purpose only.

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