Maximum quantity allowed is 999
How to Use the TCI SpectraViewer
Select your fluorophore of interest or search for a fluorophore that matches your instrument setup to display its emission and excitation spectra in-graph. Add filters and lasers to help design experiments.
To print and/or save a given graph, use the screenshot feature available on most operating systems.
1. The “Fluorophore” Tab
Display the excitation/emission spectrum of your compound(s) of interest.
First, click the “Add Fluorophore” button to add an input field. Clicking multiple times will add multiple input fields.
Typing in the input field will bring up an autocomplete list of possible fluorophores to select from.
Clicking on any fluorophore name will display its excitation and emission spectra in the graph.
Clicking on any product code will open a new tab to the TCI webpage for that product.
Once a fluorophore has been added by clicking its name, its excitation and emission spectra will be displayed in the graph towards the top of the application.
Using the checkboxes and “X” marks
The checkboxes in the table header are master checkboxes which are used to toggle all checkboxes in the table at once.
Toggling a specific fluorophore / spectrum is achieved by clicking on the checkboxes in that specific row.
Show: Used to hide / show all spectra for that specific fluorophore.
Ex: Used to hide / show the excitation spectrum for that specific fluorophore.
Em: Used to hide / show the emission spectrum for that specific fluorophore.
“X”: Used to delete a specific fluorophore.
To remove all fluorophores from the list at once, use the “Remove All Fluorophores” button.
Mouse over the graph to bring up annotations detailing the % maximum of each spectrum at each wavelength.
2. The “Search Fluor.” Tab
Search for fluorophores that match your specific emission / excitation requirements
Enter your specific requirements into the fields to the right of where it says “Excitation” and “Emission”.
Leave the “Bandwidth (nm)” field blank to simulate a laser.
The “Cutoff (%)” fields define the allowable minimum for the maximum signal strength, relative to the excitation/emission maximum, that must be contained within the range of the excitation filter/laser and/or emission filter in order to be displayed in the search results.
Clicking the “Get Fluorophores” button brings up a list of fluorophores in table format that match the requirements entered above, sortable by “Fluorophore Name”, “Min Ex. (%)”, and “Min Em. (%)”.
Click the “+” mark to add or remove a specific fluorophore to/from the graph.
3. The “Filters” Tab
Display representations of optical filters.
Click the “Add Filter” button to add an input line for a new filter. Add multiple lines by clicking multiple times.
Add an optional filter name, and specify a wavelength and bandwidth for the filter in the given input fields to display it in the graph.
Using the checkboxes and “X” marks
The checkboxes in the table header are master checkboxes which are used to toggle all checkboxes in the table at once.
Toggling a specific filter is achieved by clicking on the checkboxes in that specific row.
Show: Used to hide / show that specific filter.
“X”: Used to delete that specific filter.
To remove all filters from the list at once, use the “Remove All Filters” button.
4. The “Lasers” Tab
Display representations of optical lasers.
Click the “Add Laser” button to add an input line for a new laser. Add multiple lines by clicking multiple times.
Add an optional laser name, and specify a wavelength in the given input field to display it in the graph.
Using the checkboxes and “X” marks
The checkboxes in the table header are master checkboxes which are used to toggle all checkboxes in the table at once.
Toggling a specific laser is achieved by clicking on the checkboxes in that specific row.
Show: Used to hide / show that specific laser.
“X”: Used to delete that specific laser.
To remove all lasers from the list at once, use the “Remove All Lasers” button.