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油红O是一种重氮染料,自古以来就被广泛用于脂肪细胞和脂质的染色1-3)。这种脂溶性红色染料适用于中性甘油三脂和低极性脂肪。新鲜或冰冻样本经酒精固定后,油红O可对其完成染色。其用法简单,加入染色液后,只需清洗即可染色,从而使脂质易于在视觉上鉴别。此外,染色后用异丙醇洗去染料,通过吸光度测定可以测量出脂质的积累量。由此,油红O已被用于糖尿病, 肝炎,以及白血病的研究中4-5)。
- 1)Adipose conversion of 3T3 cells depends on a serum factor
- 2)Application of Nile red, a fluorescent hydrophobic probe, for the detection of neutral lipid deposits in tissue sections: comparison with oil red O.
- 3)Quantitation of adipose conversion and triglycerides by staining intracytoplasmic lipids with oil red O
- 4)Hepatocellular ballooning in NASH.
- 5)Expression of homologues for p53 and p73 in the softshell clam (Mya arenaria), a naturally-occurring model for human cancer
- 6)Oil red-O stains non-adipogenic cells: a precautionary note