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Bromobimane (mBBr)是一种可对硫醇基团特定使用的荧光探针,其最大吸收峰大约在390 nm处,标记的产物在480 nm (最大波长处)处产生荧光。1)例如,mBBr可适用于生物标记材料,如半胱氨酸、谷胱甘肽、辅酶A和包含硫醇基团的蛋白质等。2-4) 在蛋白质研究中,有结果表明:由半胱氨酸残基形成的二硫键状态,调节着蛋白质的功能活性 (氧化还原调节)。因此,形成了借助于mBBr的蛋白质组分析。5) 此外,mBBr-标记也可用于食物中的蛋白质分析。6)
- Bimane fluorescent labels: labeling of normal human red cells under physiological conditions
- Analysis of biological thiols: derivatization with monobromobimane and separation by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography
- Determination of the in vivo redox status of cysteine, cysteinylglycine, homocysteine, and glutathione in human plasma
- Quantitative electrophoretic analysis of proteins labeled with monobromobimane
- Disulfide proteome in the analysis of protein function and structure
- Identification of disulfide proteins in the salt soluble fraction of rice (Oryza sativa) seed