轻松扫码查看产品文档 | TCIMAIL No.197 已上新 | TCI试剂——品质可靠,值得信赖
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Maximum quantity allowed is 999
CAS RN: 50-33-9 | 产品编码: P1686
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* 无具体发货日期的情况,如:显示“8个工作日后发货”,将在您订购日起的8个工作日后发货。
* 我们将以最优方式从上海/天津两大仓库发货。国内库存不足,需两周左右向日本总部调货。
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* TCI会经常复审储藏条件以对其进行优化,请以在线目录为准,敬请留意。
* 更多信息,请联系营业部:021-67121386 / Sales-CN@TCIchemicals.com 。任何货期、规格或包装方面的需求,请联系我们 。
Appearance | White to Yellow to Orange powder to crystal |
Purity(HPLC) | min. 98.0 area% |
Purity(Neutralization titration) | min. 98.0 %(after drying) |
Melting point | 104.0 to 108.0 °C |
Drying loss | max. 5.0 % |
NMR | confirm to structure |
熔点 | 106 °C |
水溶性 | 不溶 |
在水中的溶解度 | 0.2 g/l 25 °C |
溶解性(可溶于) | 甲醇 |
象形图 | |
信号词 | 危险 |
危险性说明 | H301 : 吞咽会中毒。 H315 : 造成皮肤刺激。 H319 : 造成严重眼刺激。 |
防范说明 | P501 : 将内装物/容器送到批准的废物处理厂处理。 P270 : 使用本产品时不要进食、饮水或吸烟。 P264 : 作业后彻底清洗皮肤。 P280 : 戴防护手套/戴防护眼罩/戴防护面具。 P302 + P352 : 如皮肤沾染:用水充分清洗。 P337 + P313 : 如仍觉眼刺激:求医/就诊。 P305 + P351 + P338 : 如进入眼睛:用水小心冲洗几分钟。如戴隐形眼镜并可方便地取出,取出隐形眼镜。继续冲洗。 P362+P364 : 脱掉沾污的衣服,清洗后方可重新使用。 P332 + P313 : 如发生皮肤刺激:求医/就诊。 P301 + P310 + P330 : 如误吞咽:立即呼叫急救中心/医生。漱口。 P405 : 存放处须加锁。 |
RTECS# | UQ8225000 |
新化学物质备案回执号 | B1A232215216 |
UN编号 | UN2811 |
类别 | 6.1 |
包装类别 | III |
监管条件代码(*) |
Binding of Phenylbutazone to Human Serum Albumin
Phenylbutazone is known to have affinity for Human Serum Albumin (HSA) and to bind (interact) to drug binding site I on HSA. Those were confirmed using our phenylbutazone with Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) and a method using fluorescent probes. 【SPR】 Dose responses of phenylbutazone to HSA were confirmed by SPR. Biacore, as a SPR biosensor, was used for the assay, according to the user’s guide of the instrument.
<Assay condition> Sensor Chip: Series S Sensor Chip CM5, Immobilization: HAS (Amine Coupling method), Buffer : 5%DMSO in PBS. <Result> “Square wave” sensorgrams were exhibited at each concentration, and concentration dependent binding of phenylbutazone to HSA was confirmed. 【Method using fluorescent probes】The drug biding site of phenylbutazone was confirmed using fluorescent probes which bind to drug binding site on HSA. Dansylamide (DNSA) [D5405] was used as fluorescent probe for site I, and dansylglycine (DNSG) [D5406], BD140 [D4898] were used as fluorescent probes for site II, and then bindings to site I and site II were confirmed.
<Assay condition> Buffer: 1 % DMSO in phosphate buffer (pH 7.2 - 7.5); HSA: 5 µM (DNSA), 20 µM (DNSG, BD140) (50 µL/well) (Fatty acid free HSA is recommended.); Phenylbutazone: each concentration (50 µL/well); DNSA: 80 µM, DNSG: 20 µM, BD140: 20 µM (50 µL/well); Incubation: 20-25 °C for 30 min; Measurement: plate-reader with excitation = 365 nm and emission = 480 nm (DNSA, DNSG), with excitation = 365 nm and emission = 585 nm (BD140). <Result> As shown in upper diagram, inhibition against binding of dansylamide which is fluorescent probe for site I by phenylbutazone was confirmed. And also, little or extremely weak inhibition against binding of dansylglycine and BD140 which are fluorescent probes for site II was confirmed. In these ways, our phenylbutazone can be used for study of interaction with HSA. Also, DNSA [D5405], DNSG [D5406] and BD140 [D4898] can be used for study of drug binding site on HSA.
- Fluorescent Dye Cocktail for Multiplex Drug¬Site Mapping on Human Serum Albumin
- High-resolution and high-throughput protocols for measuring drug/human serum albumin interactions using BIACORE
- Biosensor Analysis of the Interaction between Immobilized Human Serum Albumin and Drug Compounds for Prediction of Human Serum Albumin Binding Levels
- Characterizing a drug's primary binding site on albumin
- Structural basis of the drug-binding specificity of human serum albumin
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