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CAS RN: | 产品编码: B6279
Nervous Tissue Protein Extraction Buffer
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Product Information
Volume : 100 mLAdditives : WITHOUT protease inhibitors
This product is supplied as a ready-to-use solution to lyse nervous tissue. Extracted protein can be used in downstream applications such as western blotting and protein quantification. This product does not include protease inhibitors.
Directions for Use
1. Wash nervous tissue twice with PBS.
2. Weigh samples. For each gram of sample, add 10 mL of Nervous Tissue Protein Extraction Buffer (Product No. B6279) and homogenize.
3. Transfer the homogenate to a new tube.
4. Incubate on ice for 10 minutes.
5. Centrifuge the sample at 10,000 × g for 10 minutes.
6. Transfer the supernatant, containing extracted proteins, to a new tube for downstream applications.
Store at 4 °C and use within 6 months.
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产品编码 | B6279 |
外观与形状(20°C) | 液体 |
储存温度 | 冷藏 (0-10°C) |
应避免的情况 | 加热 |
Appearance | Colorless to Almost colorless clear liquid |
Suitability for protein-analysis | to pass test |
pH | 7.0 to 8.0 |
比重 | 1.01 |
监管条件代码(*) |
- Quantification of the brain proteome in Alzheimer's disease using multiplexed mass spectrometry
[TCIMAIL No.188] Ready-to-use Solution for Protein Extraction from Nervous Tissue
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