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CAS RN: | Numéro de produit: G0597

Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotin Conjugate

Documents de produit:
94,00 €
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*Le délai de livraison pour des produits disponibles en stock en Belgique est 1 à 2 jours
*Le délai de livraison pour des produits disponibles en stock en Japon est 1 à 2 semaines (sauf des produits réglementés et des envois avec de la glace carbonique)

Informations supplémentaires sur le produit:

This product is the successor to Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotin Conjugate (Preservative : 0.05% NaN3, Stabilizer : 1% BSA) (0.1mg/vial) (Product Number: G0389). Please use this product if you have used G0389.

Product Information

Volume/Quantity : 0.1 mg
Product Form : Purified goat polyclonal antibody/IgG, biotin conjugated
Antibody : Antiserum was prepared by injection of purified whole rabbit
Preparation : IgG into healthy goat without clinical history of infectious disease.
Conjugation : Affinity purified antibody was labeled with a biotin.
Buffer : Phosphate buffered-saline(-) (PBS(-))
Preservative : 0.05% Sodium azide
Immunogen : Whole rabbit IgG
Specificity : Rabbit IgG


ELISA (1:5000). Western blotting (1:5000). Immunofluorescence (1:200).


Store at −20 °C to −80 °C (Preferably at −80 °C). It is not recommended storing at 4 °C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.

Related Products

G0386 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG
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G0406 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG FITC Conjugate
G0505 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG DTBTA-Eu3+ Conjugate
G0569 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG R-PE Conjugate
G0408 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM
G0432 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM Biotin Conjugate
G0417 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM HRP Conjugate
G0453 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM FITC Conjugate
G0388 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG
G0418 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG HRP Conjugate
G0452 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG FITC Conjugate
G0506 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DTBTA-Eu3+ Conjugate
G0577 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG R-PE Conjugate
S0951 Streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii
S0972 Streptavidin HRP Conjugate
S0966 Streptavidin FITC Conjugate
S0993 Streptavidin DTBTA-Eu3+ Conjugate
T3885 Streptavidin R-PE Conjugate
T3531 Streptavidin Maleimide Conjugate

Numéro de produit G0597
Etat physique (20 ° C) Liquid
Condition de stockage Frozen (-80°C)
Condition à éviter Heat Sensitive
Appearance Colorless to Almost colorless clear liquid
Titer(ELISA) to pass test
Lois connexes:
Informations de transport:
N ° SH (import / export) (TCI-E) 2933399990
Western Blotting

  • Detection of Tubulin
    • Samples (Reduced HeLa Whole Cell Lysate)
    • Lane 1 : 1.00 µg
    • Lane 2 : 0.50 µg
    • Lane 3 : 0.10 µg
    • Lane 4 : 0.05 µg

    Post-transfer PVDF membrane was blocked using BSA/TBST and incubated in sequence with diluted primary antibody (Rabbit Anti α-Tubulin IgG), Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotin Conjugate [G0597] 0.2 µg/mL, and Streptavidin HRP Conjugate [S0972] 0.2 µg/mL, followed by visualization with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB).

Immunofluorescence Staining

The HeLa cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, and permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100. Then, the specimen was blocked in BSA/PBS blocking buffer. Subsequently, the specimen was incubated with properly diluted primary antibody (Rabbit Anti α-Tubulin IgG). And, after washing, was further incubated with biotin-conjugated secondary antibody (Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotin Conjugate [G0597] 5 µg/mL). Finally, it was rinsed with PBS and stained with Streptavidin R-PE Conjugate [T3885] 5 µg/mL (shown in red) and Bisbenzimide H 33258 (1mg/mL in Water) [B6236] 1 µg/mL (shown in blue).

Documents de produit (Note : Pour certains produits, les tableaux analytiques ne sont pas disponibles.)
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