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High-Regioregular P3HT-Based Transistor Realizing Hole Mobility of Over 20 cm2/Vs
A carrier density in an organic field effect transistor (OFET) is one of the most important parameters for improvement of device performance such as a carrier mobility and an operation voltage. It is well known that the carrier density is increased by using an electric double layer, which forms when a voltage is applied to an electrolyte, at the gate dielectric of a device.1) Singh et al. reported on high-performance OFETs using imidazole-type ionic liquids (ILs) as gate dielectrics in polymer semiconductor P3HT-based OFETs.2) The IL-gated OFETs achieved carrier densities of the order of 1016 cm-2. In particular, the DMIM-BF4 gated high-regioregular P3HT-based device showed a carrier mobility of 20.2 cm2/Vs, which is the highest performance observed in a P3HT-based OFET to date. Moreover, the IL-gated OFETs possess an operation stability of over 40 days under ambient condition, so they can be expected as candidates for commercial products such as high-sensitivity biosensors.
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- 1) Electric-double-layer field-effect transistors with ionic liquids
- 2) High-Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors Gated by Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids