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Product Number | B4301 |
CAS RN | 70627-52-0 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC) |
Product Number | F0891 |
CAS RN | 5676-81-3 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC)(T) |
Product Number | F0892 |
CAS RN | 39769-09-0 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC)(T) |
Product Number | T2547 |
CAS RN | 61881-19-4 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC)(T) |
Product Number | T2638 |
CAS RN | 75999-66-5 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(GC)(T) |
Product Number | T3115 |
CAS RN | 38980-96-0 |
Purity / Analysis Method: | >98.0%(HPLC) |
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