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Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Heptazine-Based Building Blocks

Graphic carbon nitride (g-C3N4, 1) has received a great deal of attention as a metal-free photocatalyst due to promising properties such as water splitting and organic matter removal in recent years.1) Melem (2) and heptazine chloride (3), which are partial structures of g-C3N4, are useful for a precise synthesis of g-C3N4 inspired materials and comparison of its physical properties. They are also applied for a monomer unit of MOF and COF.2) Moreover, in light-emitting material derivatized from 3, a delayed fluorescence from inverted singlet - triplet excited states (DFIST) has been demonstrated; in other words, it has negative ΔEST.3) The development of a stable and efficient OLED based on DFIST mechanism is expected.

Graphitic Carbon Nitride and Heptazine-Based Building Blocks


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