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CAS RN: | Producten #: R0230

rPSL1a-Biotin [for Siaα(2-6)Gal]

  • rPSL1a-Biotin Conjugate
  • Recombinant Polyporus squamosus lectin (= rPSL1a)-Biotin Conjugate
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*Stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in België leverbaar in 1 tot 3 dagen
*stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in Japan leverbaar in 1 tot 2 weken (met uitzondering van gereguleerde producten en zendingen met droog ijs)

Aanvullende productinformatie:

Product Information
Product code: R0230
Product name: rPSL1a-Biotin [for Sia α(2-6)Gal]
Quantity: 1 ml per vial (1 mg/1 ml: Lowry method)
Product form: Biotin-immobilized recombinant PSL1a, Liquid
Buffer: Phosphate buffered saline [PBS] (-), pH7.4
Molecular Mass: >31 kDa
Preservative : None
Stabilizer: None

The rPSL1a is a carbohydrate-binding protein (Lectin) derived from Polyporus squamosus. The rPSL1a gene product is expressed in Escherichia coli. This lectin preferably binds to a [Siaα(2-6)Gal] glycan epitope (It very slightly interacts with lactose.). Consequently, rPSL1a exhibits a hemagglutination activity to a rabbit reticulocyte through the glycan binding to subsites and subunits of the lectin.
Biotin is covalently linked to the protein surface. Resulting band shift caused by biotinylation is checked by SDS-PAGE. (Unbiotinylated band is mostly not observed.) The rPSL1a-Biotin shows significant interaction with human transferrin (hTF) possessing [Siaα(2-6)Gal] glycan epitopes by lectin-ELISA analysis. According to the lectin-blotting analysis, the rPSL1a-Biotin specifically binds to α(2-6)Sia-terminated hTF but not to unsialylated glycoproteins such as asialo hTF, agalacto hTF and bovine RNase B.

Store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repetitive freezing and thawing. After thawing the product, it’s recommended to store at 2-10°C with an additional preservative (e.g., 0.02-0.05% [w/v] sodium azide).

Related Products
R0225 Recombinant Polyporus squamosus lectin (=rPSL1a) expressed in Escherichia coli
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R0231 rLSL-N-Biotin [for Galβ(1-4)GlcNAc, poly LacNAc]
R0232 rMOA-Biotin [for Galα(1-3)Gal]
R0233 rSRL-Biotin [for GlcNAcβ(1-2)Man, Galβ(1-3)GalNAc]
R0234 rGRFT-Biotin [for Manα(1-2)Man]
A2659 AOL-Biotin Conjugate

Artikel # R0230
Fysieke toestand (20 graden C) Liquid
Opslag condities Frozen (-20°C)
Te vermijden condities Heat Sensitive
Appearance Colorless to Almost colorless clear liquid
Concentration(Lowry method) 0.9 to 1.5 mg/mL
Suitability for use in ELISA tests min. 1.0 (1.0 micro g/mL, OD450)
Molecular weight 25 to 40 kDa
Gerelateerde wetten:
Transport informatie:
HS-NR (invoer / uitvoer) (TCI-E) 3504009000
Recombinant lectin


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