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CAS RN: | Producten #: M3637

Malondialdehyde Measurement Kit

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*Stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in België leverbaar in 1 tot 3 dagen
*stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in Japan leverbaar in 1 tot 2 weken (met uitzondering van gereguleerde producten en zendingen met droog ijs)

Aanvullende productinformatie:

Product Information

  • Components : Acetic Acid 1 vial, Butylhydroxytoluene (BHT) solution 1 vial, Malonaldehyde Bis(dimethyl Acetal) (1 mM MDA solution) 1 vial, 2-Thiobarbituric Acid (TBH) 2 vials
  • Size : 100 tests


  • This product allows determination of malondialdehyde content of your sample through thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) method.

Direction for Use (for Measurement between 1 – 50 µM of Malondialdehyde)

    1. Prepare a sample.
    2. Mix 50 µL of 1 mM MDA solution and 950 µL of deionized water to obtain a 50 µM solution of malondialdehyde.
    3. Prepare a 2x dilution series of the malondialdehyde solution from step 2 with 7 points total (0.78125 mM – 50 mM) of at least 250 µL each, to allow for duplicates. Deionized water should be prepared as a blank.
    4. Add 600 µL of DMSO to one of the vials of 2-Thiobarbituric Acid to dissolve. Accelerate the dissolution by voltexing or ultrasonic bath if the powder does not dissolve.
    5. Add 5.5 mL of Acetic Acid to the tube prepared in step 4 to prepare a 50 mM TBH solution.
    6. Add 25 µL of BHT solution and 100 µL of 50 mM TBH solution to 100 µL of each sample / point in the dilution series from step 3.
    7. Incubate at 95 °C for 15 minutes.
    8. Measure the absorbance at 532 nm.
    9. Create a standard curve to calculate the MDA concentration in the sample.

Artikel # M3637
Fysieke toestand (20 graden C) Liquid
Opslag condities Frozen (<0°C)
Te vermijden condities Heat Sensitive

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