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CAS RN: | Producten #: I1309

Silver Stain Kit [for Electrophoresis]

144,00 €
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*Stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in België leverbaar in 1 tot 3 dagen
*stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in Japan leverbaar in 1 tot 2 weken (met uitzondering van gereguleerde producten en zendingen met droog ijs)

Aanvullende productinformatie:

Product Information

  • Components : Solution-1 (Enhancing solution) 50 mL, Solution-2 (Staining solution) 50 mL, Solution-3 (Developer solution #1) 50 mL, Solution-4 (Developer solution #2) 50 mL
  • Size : 50 tests (90 mm x 80 mm, 1 mm gel)


  • Silver staining is a highly-sensitive and rapid detection method for SDS-PAGE separated proteins or nucleic acids. It is several times more sensitive than the commonly used EtBr or CBB staining methods.

Direction for Use

[Solution Preparation]

  • Agitate each included solution well, and prepare the following 4 solutions in advance.
    The volumes of reagents given below is based on a gel size of 90 mm x 80 mm x 1 mm. For different sizes of gel, the volume of reagents should be adjusted accordingly. For methanol and acetic acid, it is recommended to use special grade or any other higher grade.
  • Fixing Solution : Deionized water : 40 mL + Methanol : 50 mL + Acetic acid : 10 mL + Solution-1 (Enhancing solution) : 1 mL
  • Staining Solution : Deionized water : 100 mL + Solution-2 (Staining solution) : 1 mL
  • Developer Solution : Deionized water : 200 mL + Solution-3 (Developer solution #1) : 1 mL + Solution-4 (Developer solution #2) : 1 mL
  • Stop Solution : Deionized water : 100 mL + Acetic acid : 1 mL


  1. Soak the gel in 100 mL of Fixing Solution in a clean tray and incubate it with shaking for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the solution from step 1, and wash gel with 100 mL of deionized water with shaking for 10 minutes.
    (Repeat a total of three times)
  3. Remove the solution from step 2, and add 100 mL of Staining Solution. Allow to incubate with shaking for 5 minutes.
    *When disposing of Solution-2 (i.e. Staining Solution), add hydrochloric acid or sodium chloride to the container to precipitate out silver chloride.
  4. Remove the solution from step 3, and add 100 mL of deionized water. Incubate with shaking for 30 seconds.
  5. Remove the solution from step 4, and add 100 mL of Developer Solution. Incubate with shaking for 30 seconds.
  6. Remove the solution from step 5, and add 100 mL of Developer Solution. Allow to incubate with shaking until developed bands appear.
    *Developing time will vary by sample, temperature, and thickness of gel, so adjust accordingly.
    *A 90 mm x 80 mm x 1 mm gel will take approximately 5-10 minutes.
  7. Remove the solution from step 6, and add 100 mL of Stop Solution. Incubate with shaking for 10 minutes.
  8. Remove the solution from step 7, and wash with 100 mL of deionized water, incubating with shaking for 5 minutes between washes. (Repeat a total of three times.)


  • Store at 4 ºC. This product is photosensitive and should be protected from light. Use within 1 year.

Artikel # I1309
Fysieke toestand (20 graden C) Liquid
Opslag condities Refrigerated (0-10°C)
Te vermijden condities Heat Sensitive
Gerelateerde wetten:
Transport informatie:
UN-nummer UN3316
Klasse 9
HS-NR (invoer / uitvoer) (TCI-E) 3822190090
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