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CAS RN: | Producten #: G0506

Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG DTBTA-Eu3+ Conjugate

314,00 €
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*Stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in België leverbaar in 1 tot 3 dagen
*stock beschikbaar uit voorraad in Japan leverbaar in 1 tot 2 weken (met uitzondering van gereguleerde producten en zendingen met droog ijs)

Aanvullende productinformatie:

Product Information
Volume/Quantity : 0.1 mg
Product Form : Purified goat polyclonal antibody/IgG, fluorescence lanthanide [europium(III)] chelate (DTBTA-Eu3+) conjugated.
Antibody Preparation : Antiserum was prepared by injection of purified whole rabbit IgG into healthy goat without clinical history of infectious disease.
Conjugation : Affinity purified antibody was conjugated to DTBTA-Eu3+ (Ex: 335 nm, Em: 616 nm)
Luminescence lifetime of DTBTA-Eu3+ is 1.02 ms
Buffer : Phosphate buffered-saline(-) (PBS(-))
Preservative : 0.05% Sodium azide
Immunogen : Whole rabbit IgG
Specificity : Rabbit IgG

FLISA (1:400). Cell FLISA (1:200). For high sensitivity detection, we recommend time-resolved fluorometry.

Store at -20 °C to -80 °C (preferably at -80 °C). It is not recommended storing at 4 °C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. This product is photosensitive and should be protected from light.

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Artikel # G0506
Fysieke toestand (20 graden C) Liquid
Opslag condities Frozen (-80°C)
Te vermijden condities Light Sensitive,Heat Sensitive
Appearance Colorless to Light orange to Yellow clear liquid
Titer(ELISA) to pass test
Gerelateerde wetten:
Transport informatie:
HS-NR (invoer / uitvoer) (TCI-E) 3002150000
Goat Anti- Rabbit IgG DTBTA-Eu3+ Conjugate


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