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CAS RN: | Product Number: R0241

rEGCase I assisted by Activator II

  • Recombinant Endoglycoceramidase I assisted by Activator II
  • Recombinant - Rhodococcus equi EGCase I expressed in Rhodococcus erythropolis
  • Recombinant Endoglycoceramidase I with Activator II
Product Documents:
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*Stock available in Belgium will be delivered in 1 to 3 days
*Stock available in Japan will be delivered in 1 to 2 weeks (excludes regulated items and dry ice shipments).

Supplemental Product Information:

Product Information

  • Quantity : 300 mU per vial (3 mU/μL) and 50 nmol Activator II per vial (0.5 nmol/μL)
  • Product Form : Purified recombinant EGCase I and Activator II, Liquid
  • Storage buffer : 20 mM Sodium phosphate, 50 mM NaCl buffer, pH 7.0
  • Preservative : None
  • Stabilizer : None


  • Endoglycoceramidase I (EGCase I) is a glycolipid-specific hydrolase that cleaves the glycosidic linkage between oligosaccharide and ceramide of various glycosphingolipids (GSLs) under a detergent-containing condition. On the other hand, Activator II is capable of inducing activity of EGCase without any detergent reagents. This product is provided as a mixture-form of EGCase I and Activator II. By using this product, cell-surface glycosphingolipids of living cells are hydrolyzed without cell disruption caused by addition of detergent. The EGCase I gene is derived from Rhodococcus equi and its recombinant protein is expressed in Rhodococcus erythropolis.

Unit Definition

  • One unit (U) of EGCase I is defined as the amount required to hydrolyze 1 μmol of ganglioside GM1 per minute at 37°C under the condition of pH 5.5.

Assay Conditions


  • Store at -20°C. Avoid repetitive freezing and thawing. After thawing the product, it’s recommended to store at 4°C and use it within a few weeks.

Related Products

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  • [Endo-type glycoceramidase]
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  • R0242 rEGCase II
  • R0243 rEGCase II assisted by Activator II

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  • E1339 Endo-M-W251N (for hydrolysis of core-fucosylated biantennary N-glycan)
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  • [Endo-type O-glycanase]
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  • [Endo-type glycosaminoglycanase]
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Product Number R0241
Physical State (20 deg.C) Liquid
Storage Temperature Frozen (-20°C)
Condition to Avoid Heat Sensitive
Appearance Colorless to Almost colorlessclear liquid
Titer min. 300 mU/Vial
Properties (reference)
Related Laws:
Transport Information:
HS Number 3507909090


Product Documents (Note: Some products will not have analytical charts available.)
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